
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Rainbow Loom!

Have you ever heard of Rainbow Loom? It is pretty popular among the girls lately.

Rainbow loom is something that we call "Do It Yourself" creations. That thing with many holes called "Loom". It is used for placing the rubber bands and you can make many types of bracelets, event charms. Below is the example of the box and the loom. It was pretty popular and sold over millions around the world.

Inside the Rainbow Loom box

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Mille Crêpe, Love at First Bite

Have you ever taste Mille crêpeIt is a cake from French, "Mille" (Reads: Mil) means thousands, so Mille Crepe is Thousands of Crepe layers. I don't know if it's really thousands of layers but it really feels like it has thousands of layers.

Cerpen: Imaginary Boyfriend

Sebelumnya, cerpen ini adalah request dari Bang Ayu pas kemaren nunggu ujan reda. Ini semua berawal dari obrolan, hujan, dan kopi. Semoga ceritanya nyambung ya, ehe~ Cerita ini ditulis di sebuah malam minggu ditemani boneka hasil 'nangkep' di Timezone.

Nama karakter, watak dan setting yang ada di cerpen ini semuanya hanya fiksi belaka. Jika ada kesamaan, itu semua hanyalah suatu ketidaksengajaan yang dibuat oleh penulis. Enjoy!


Kala itu sedang hujan. Aku sedang berteduh di kampus bersama kedua orang temanku yang sedang asyik sendiri. Satu sedang bermain game dan satunya lagi sedang smsan entah dengan siapa. Aku? Aku hanya menatap air hujan yang turun dari atap. Bukan karena aku seseorang yang melankolis, tetapi karena hp-ku mati dan aku tidak punya hal lain untuk dikerjakan.

"Jangan bengong mulu dong Ay, gue kasian ngeliat lo cengo begitu" ujar Mint sambil menyenggol bahuku. Ngomong-ngomong namaku Laya. Dua orang temanku biasa memanggilku 'Ay' karena 'Lay' terdengar seperti 'Alay'.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Goose House - Hikaru Nara

I'm so happy that Goose House getting more and more song for anime yay! First is "Oto no Naru Hou e", and then this. Hope they will sing the acoustic version too~

This is from #Phrase 9 - Hikaru Nara and they are the soundtrack of an anime called "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso". I haven't watch the anime but soon I will. Well enjoy while you can ^^b

Ame agari no niji mo, bin to saita hana mo, iro dzuki afuredasu
Akane iro no sora, aogu kimi ni, ano hi koi ni ochita

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Ice cream waffle, anybody?

Life is not complete if you haven't eat some good food. That's what I think. I know I don't have much money left but eating good food sometime relieves stress too. And by the way, food can be a good object for taking pictures too. And that is foodgraphy!